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(Books & Other Sources)
Frankel, E. (2012). The Weird! Series, #1. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing.
A story about dealing with bullying in schools. Luisa changes everything about herself to avoid being called weird, but it doesn’t work; the book includes notes to parents and teachers.
Henkes, K. (2020). Chrysanthemum: A first day of school book for kids. New York: Greenwillow Books, a division of HarperCollins Publishers.
Chrysanthemum loves her name, until she starts school, and the other children make fun of it. It’s the perfect book for starting a discussion about treating classmates with tolerance, kindness, and compassion.
(Books & Other Sources)
Davis, D. & Neely, K. R. (2010). Something Is Wrong at My House: A book about parents fighting. Chicago: Parenting Press.
Offers children ways to cope with the violence they see and helps break the cycle of domestic violence.
Evans, Patricia & et al. (2010). (Unabridged – Audiobook). The Verbally Abusive Relationship, Expanded Third Edition: How to recognize it and how to respond. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster Publishing.
Drawing from hundreds of real situations suffered by real people, Evans offers strategies, sample scripts, and action plans designed to help you deal with the abuse – and the abuser.
Karr-Morse, R. (2014). (Paperback & Kindle). Ghosts from the Nursery: Tracing the Roots of Violence. New York, NY: Atlantic Monthly Press Publisher.
This revised edition incorporates significant advances in neurobiological research over the past decade and the impact of trauma on human life – especially early in life during chemical and structural formation of the brain – where scientific evidence has been shown that violence can originate in the womb and become entrenched in a child’s brain by preschool.
(Books & Other Sources)
Burgerman, J. (2021). Everybody has feelings. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, UK.
With fun characters and eye-popping artwork, this entertaining book introduces over twenty feelings, putting each one in relatable context and providing young children with the vocabulary they need to talk about feelings.
Childre, D. L. & Rozman, D., Ph.D. (2003). Transforming Anger: The HeartMath® Solution for Letting Go of Rage, Frustration, and Irritation. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
This book can give you hope, as well as practical tools. Learn and use fast-acting tools and techniques to get in sync and release anger.
Childre, D. L. & Rozman, D., Ph.D. (2005). Transforming Stress: The HeartMath® Solution for Relieving Worry, Fatigue and Tension. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
Emotions and thoughts affect your heart rhythms, and the core of HeartMath’s method is emotion regulation. Focusing on positive feelings such as appreciation, care or compassion creates dramatic changes in heart rhythms.
Childre, D. L. & Rozman, D., Ph.D. (2006). Transforming Anxiety: The HeartMath® Solution for Overcoming Fear and Worry and Creating Serenity. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
This book offers techniques to help transform chronic worry, panic attacks, phobias, post-traumatic stress, and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Release anxieties as they occur and find ease and security within.
Childre, D. L. & Rozman, D., Ph.D. (2007). Foreword by Lawlis, F., Ph.D., Clinical and Counseling Psychologist. Transforming Depression: The HeartMath® Solution to Feeling Overwhelmed, Sad, and Stressed. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
Read about the root causes of many depressive patterns and how to use HeartMath techniques to clear them. Transforming Depression can help you release and prevent depression and regain hope and inner peace.
Clark, Lynn (2020). (4th ed.). SOS help for emotions: Managing anxiety, anger, & depression. Bowling Green, KY: SOS Programs and Parents Press.
Managing anxiety, anger, & depression. Reduce your stress and enhance your emotional intelligence by practicing self-help skills from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
Emberley, E. & Miranda, A. (1997). (Revised ed.). Glad Monster, Sad Monster. New York, NY: LB Kids Publishing.
Monsters explain what makes them feel glad, sad, loving, worried, silly, or angry; fold out masks encourage children to discuss their feelings.
Everitt, B. (1995). Mean Soup. San Diego, CA: Voyager Books / Harcourt Brace & Co.
Horace feels really mean at the end of a bad day, until he helps his mother make Mean Soup. A grand message about getting out anger instead of locking it inside
Holmes, M. & Mudlaff, S. J., et al. (2000). (1st ed.). A Terrible Thing Happened. Washington, D.C.: Magination Press.
A Story designed to help children who have witnessed any kind of violence or trauma, includes a list of resources for parents.
Kurtzman-Counter, S., & Schiller, A. (2013). When Miles Got Mad. Colorado Springs, CO: The Mother Publishing Company.
Miles learns how to deal with his anger when little brother Max breaks his toy airplane. By encouraging him to use his words to express his anger, the Mad Monster helps Miles move through this big emotion to calm himself.
Maier, Dr. I. & Bogade, M. (2012). Foreword book of the year finalist. Nautilus Award for Children’s picture book – (Silver). Ben’s Flying Flowers. Washington, D.C.: Magination Press.
Characterizes a child’s common emotional reactions when a sibling dies and pays specific attention to the child’s experience by way of explanation, imagery, and healing messages. Follow Emily as she tries to overcome her grief following her brother’s death. Includes a “note to parents”.
McCraty, R., Ph.D., & et al (2016). (1st ed.). Transforming stress for teens: The HeartMath Solution for Staying Cool Under Pressure. Oakland, CA: Instant Help / New Harbinger Publications.
Throughout the book teens describe in their own words how stress affected them at school and in their homes and how these techniques helped them transform it. Each chapter contains an action plan and exercises for achieving a variety of positive outcomes.
Rubenstein, L. J. PsyD, & Hehenberger, S. (2013). (1st ed.). Visiting Feelings. Washington, D.C.: Magination Press.
Invites children to sense, explore, and befriend any feeling with acceptance and equanimity. Children can explore their emotions with their senses and nurture a sense of mindfulness. Gaining this objectivity allows space for a more considered response to their feelings.
(Books & CDs)
Berenstain, S. & J. (1985). Part of: First Time Books ® (86 books). The Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers. New York City, NY: Random House Publishing.
Sister has gotten into a bad habit of talking to strangers, and now it’s up to Papa, Mama, and Brother to show her the important rules of safety. Includes a list of Brother and Sister’s Rules for Cubs and over 50 bonus stickers!
Hunt, J. (2003). (DVD – 9th ed.). SafeKids 101: Preparing Kids to Stay Safe at Home and in the Community. Austin, TX:Big Kids Productions.
To a pre-teen growing and establishing identity, the world can seem chaotic, dangerous, and confusing. Safe Kids 101 helps kids become more sure-footed by teaching them to be independent, responsible, and able to care for themselves — valuable skills adults want tweens to know as they mature! Includes staying at home alone, answering the door or phone, gun awareness, fire safety, first aid, abuse, abduction, and stranger-danger.
(Books & Other Sources)
Christensen, B. (2012). Plant a Little Seed. New York, NY: Roaring Brook Press.
Two friends plant seeds in their community garden, then water, weed, wait, and dream as the plants grow until they can be harvested. Includes facts about gardening and harvest festivals.
Fleischman, P. & Fleischman, J. (2004). Seedfolks. New York, NY: Harper Trophy Publishing. ALA best book for young adults: about homelessness and poverty.
One by one, a number of people of varying ages and backgrounds transform a trash-filled inner-city lot into a productive and beautiful garden, and in doing so, the gardeners are themselves transformed.
Keller, H. (2005). (Audio cassette or book). Cecil’s Garden. New York City, NY: Scholastic Book Club.
Frustrated that he and his two siblings can’t agree on what to plant in their garden, he visits other animal families and realizes that things could be worse. After seeing how arguing affects the other animals, Cecil figures out how to plant a garden that he and his friends can all enjoy.
(Books & Other Sources)
Brown, PhD., L. (2015). Not the Price of Admission: Healthy relationships after childhood trauma. Scotts Valley, CA: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
This book draws upon the author’s four decades of working with survivors of childhood trauma, abuse, and neglect. This book teaches you to understand the emotional and neurobiological causes of your difficult relationship patterns. Describes effective strategies for learning how to trust yourself, how to assess other people more accurately, and how to take care of yourself emotionally so that you can have healthy relationships.
Cozolino, L. (2014). (2nd ed.). The Neuroscience of Human Relationships: Attachment and the Developing Social Brain (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology). New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company.
We are just beginning to see the larger implications of all neurological processes―how the architecture of the brain can help us to better understand individuals and our relationships. This book gives readers a deeper appreciation of how and why relationships have the power to reshape our brains throughout our life.
Freyd, J. & Birrell, P. (2013). Blind to Betrayal: Why We Fool Ourselves We Aren’t Being Fooled. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing.
This book explores the fascinating phenomenon of how and why we ignore or deny betrayal, and what we can gain by transforming “betrayal blindness” into insight. Collaboration of science and clinical perspectives on why we implicitly choose unawareness in order to avoid the risk of seeing treachery or injustice
Goelitz, J. & April, E. (2013). (The Family & World Health Series). Heart to Heart: Connecting With Your Child. Chino Valley, AZ: Hohm Press.
This is a book about conscious and conscientious child raising. Uniquely designed as a children’s book, it encourages adults and children to consider together how they can deepen their bonds of love through care, active listening, and genuine attention. Picture books as a medium for parenting education are particularly useful.
Henricks, Ph.D., et al (2019). Getting the love you want. Manhattan, NY: St. Martin’s Griffin Publishing.
A practical handbook helps build a foundational template for your marriage. This book has helped millions of people experience more satisfying relationships and is recommended every day by professional therapists and happy couples around the world.
(Books & Other Sources)
Clark, L. (2020). (5th ed.). SOS help for parents: A practical guide for handling common everyday behavior problems. Bowling Green, KY: SOS Programs and Parents Press.
A great parent counseling book and how to partner with your child’s teacher to improve school adjustment, improve your child’s behavior, reduce stress in your life, and enhance your child’s emotional intelligence (EQ).
Dayton, T., PhD., TEP. (2012). The ACoA Trauma Syndrome: The Impact of Childhood Pain on Adult Relationships. Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications Inc. / The Life Issues Publisher.
Guide for adult children of alcoholics (AcoAs) to understanding the cumulative trauma of addiction of dysfunction.
Goulding, R. A. & Schwartz, R. C. (2003). The Mosaic Mind, Empowering the Tormented Selves of Child Abuse Survivors. Lakewood, CO: Trailheads Publishing.
A window into the human psyche the authors use one abuse survivor’s extraordinary journal entries, takes the reader on a remarkable journey to overcome even the most severe traumas and emotional injuries.
Kagan, R. (2012). (1st ed.). Rebuilding Attachments with Traumatized Children: Healing from Losses, Violence, Abuse, and Neglect. New York, NY: Routledge Publishing.
Guide for professionals, parents, or any adult working to show children to move beyond the traumatic experiences that haunt them to a more positive perspective, not by denying hardships, but by drawing strength from the supportive people in their lives.
Kate, M., & et al (2023). (Article – Science Direct). (Vol. 7, Issue 1). (European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation). Parent-child dynamics as predictors of dissociation in adulthood. Amsterdam: Elsevier Publisher.
The focus of studies examining the etiology of dissociation have centered on trauma, neglect, and attachment style. Few studies have explored the role of family dynamics and this dimension has been highlighted as one in need of more research –
(Books & Other Sources)
Boon, S., Steele, K., & Van der Hart, O. (2011). (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology). (1st ed.). Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation; Skills Training for Patients and Therapists. Manhattan, NY: W.W. Norton & Company Publisher.
A patient-oriented manual for complex trauma survivors. Includes short educational pieces, homework sheets, and exercises that address ways in which dissociation interferes with essential emotional and life skills and support inner communication and collaboration with dissociative parts of the personality.
Buell, J. (2006). (Paperback). The Emotional First Aid Manual. Seattle, WA: Innovations Press. Seattle, WA. Innovations Press.
Techniques to prevent emotional suffering and help restore happiness by using the Calming Remedy, Orientation Remedy, and Appendix Resources to help a suicidal person, and helps you lessen the suffering of anyone who has experienced a loss or trauma.
Buzzell, L., & Chalquis, C. (2009). (Paperback). Ecotherapy: Healing With Nature In Mind. Berkeley, CA. Counterpoint Publisher.
Ecotherapy, or applied ecopsychology, encompasses a broad range of nature–based methods of psychological healing, grounded in the crucial fact that people are inseparable from the rest of nature and nurtured by healthy interaction with the Earth.
Cooksley, V. (2003). (Paperback). Healing Home Spa: Soothe your symptoms, ease your pain, and age-proof your body with pleasure. Hoboken, NJ. Prentice Hall Press.
Epstein, Mark (2014): The Trauma of Everyday Life: A Guide to Inner Peace – Author/psychiatrist uncovers the transformational potential of trauma, revealing how it can be used for the mind’s own development.
Gallo, F., Ph.D. (2002). (Norton Energy Psychology). (1st Edition). Energy Psychology in Psychotherapy. A comprehensive source book. Manhattan, NY. W.W. Norton & Company Publishers.
The originator of energy diagnostic and treatment methods (EDxTM) has gathered here a stellar group of major participants in the energy field, and the wide-ranging chapters cover enormous ground that bridge mind and body, between matter and energy, and between theoretical solutions and the findings of established science.
Gonzalez, A. & Mosquera, D. (2012). (Paperback). EMDR and Dissociation: The Progressive Approach. Uttar Ashinagar, Hojai, Assam, India. A.I. International Publishers.
EMDR is a psychotherapeutic approach developed for the treatment of PTSD, meanwhile, practicing clinicians have found the application of EMDR to be useful in treating patients who have experienced emotionally traumatic events, which they described as distinctive of their family-of-origin, their personal life history, and their attachment relations. In this book the authors describe some of the basic aspects that therapists must understand in order to adequately apply EMDR in the more severe cases, including dissociative disorders, personality disorders and different types of complex traumatization.
Eckstein, S.S & Holmes, T. PhD., (2012). Parts Work Therapy – EMDR – Play Therapy. Philomath, OR: Backwoods Press Publishing.
Inner Active Cards – – These are great for play therapy and EMDR therapy and can be used with children, adolescents, and adults. The cards are helpful in getting imaginations’ engaged. A boxed set of 62 durable color illustrated cards plus 10 blank cards for creating your own images that depict the inner life of “Parts”. When used in Parts Work therapy, Inner Active Cards have been proven to bring clarity, efficiency, transformation, and Self-Leadership to the inner lives of troubled clients.
Jennings, A. PhD., & Ralph, R. (1997). (Index – Articles / Reports HTML / PDF). Community Re-traumatization. Maine Dept. of Behavioral & Developmental Services – Office of Trauma Services. State of Maine: PFD publication.
Trauma survivors speak out about how they are re-traumatized within community mental health and substance abuse service systems. – Based on information contributed by survivor trauma advisory groups. Retrieved from
Kemp, K., & et al. (Original Paper – Published: 24 January 2013 / Issued Date: April 2014). Journal of Child and Family Studies: Article: Equine Facilitated Therapy with Children and Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Abused: A Program Evaluation Study. (Fam Stud-Article: 23, 558–566).
Article: Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a social problem that often inflicts long lasting psychological trauma and leads to psychopathology, behavioral problems, and re-victimization. Animals have been found to facilitate the development of the therapeutic alliance between client and practitioner and therapies utilizing horses have the added bonus of empowering clients.
Karr-Morse, R. & Wiley, M. S. (2012). (Hardcover). Scared Sick: The Role of Childhood Trauma in Adult Disease. New York City, NY: Basic Books Publishing.
Looks at the lifelong effects of trauma from before birth through childhood on physical and emotional and cognitive functioning. Connecting psychology, neurobiology, endocrinology, immunology, and genetics in infancy and early childhood – are at the root of common diseases in adulthood.
Nakazawa, D. J., (2016). (Unabridged). Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology, and How You Can Heal. Old Saybrook, CT: Tantor Audio Publisher.
An examination of the link between Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) and adult illnesses. A look into the emotional trauma we suffer as children and how not only does it shape our emotional lives as adults, but also how it affects our physical health and overall well-being.
Hodes, G.R., (2006). (PDF). (Statewide Child Psychiatric Consultant). (National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors). Responding to Childhood Trauma: The promise and practice of trauma informed care. Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, PA. State of PA: PDF Publication.
The premise and practice of trauma informed care. The 77-page PDF can be download or read online here:
Ober, S. C., et al (2014). (2nd Ed). (Paperback). Earthing: The most important health discovery ever! Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications, Inc.
This book introduces the planet’s powerful, amazing, and overlooked natural healing energy and how people anywhere can readily connect to it. Introducing readers to the landmark discovery that living in contact with the Earth’s natural surface charge – being grounded – naturally discharges and prevents chronic inflammation in the body.
Paulsen, S., PhD (2009). (Paperback). (1st Ed.). Looking Through the Eyes of Trauma and Dissociation. An illustrated guide for EMDR therapists and clients. Charleston, SC: Book-Surge Publishing.
This book is created with over 100 original cartoons so that not only therapists can understand the treatment of traumatic dissociation, but their clients can as well. It describes the use of ego state therapy in preparation for trauma work, especially EMDR.
Rothschild, B., & Rand, M. (2006 – 1st Edition): Help for the Helper: The psychophysiology of compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma in an ever-changing world. Old Saybrook, CT: Tantor Audio Publishing.
The authors examine the literature from neurobiology, social psychology, and folk psychology in order to explain how therapists suffer from an excess of empathy for their clients, and then they present strategies for dealing with burnout and stress.
Rothschild, B. (2022 Paperback & Audiobook): Help for the Helper: The Psychophysiology of Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma in an Ever-Changing World: Updated & Expanded. Old Saybrook, CT: Tantor Audio Publishing.
This revised and expanded edition now includes guidance for helping clients while maintaining therapists’ own safety and sanity in crisis situations, managing the usual stresses and challenges during normal times, and tips for dealing with trauma when that is not a therapist’s specialty. Topics include neurophysiology and regulation of arousal, self-care during shared community/world crises, maintaining balance and strength, countertransference, somatic empathy, mirroring, and mimicry.
Rosenburg, M. (2003). (Unabridged – Audio CD). Speaking peace: Connecting with Others Through Nonviolent Communication. Louisville, CO: Sounds True Publisher.
Marshall Rosenberg teaches that when you convey what is alive in you, your true feelings, and the values and desires behind them, you establish honest, nurturing relationships that eventually fulfill everyone’s needs.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SAMHSA’s concept of trauma and guidance for a trauma-informed approach. (March 2014). (PDF). (English & Spanish Ed). Guides and Manuals: Publications and digital products: Publication ID: SMA14-4884. Rockville, MD: PDF Publication.
Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services – Assists behavioral health professionals in understanding the impact and consequences for those who experience trauma. Discusses patient assessment, treatment planning strategies that support recovery, and building a trauma-informed care workforce.
Thomas, L. & Lytle, M. (2016). (Paperback). Transforming Therapy Through Horses: Case stories teaching the EAGALA model in action. Scotts Valley, CA: Create-Space Independent Publishing Platform.
Case stories teaching the EAGALA model of action. Used in the treatment of various client populations, including military veterans, equine-assisted psychotherapy is gaining attention from the therapeutic world.
Van der Kolk, B., M.D. (2015). (Unabridged- audiobook). The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. New York City, NY: Penguin Audio Publishing.
Discusses traumatic stress and how it rearranges the brain’s wiring, specifically areas dedicated to pleasure, engagement, control, and trust. The author shows how these areas can be reactivated through neurofeedback, mindfulness techniques, play, yoga, and other therapies.
Vokman, M. K. (2010). (Paperback). Life Skills: Improve the Quality of Your Life with Metapsychology (Explorations in metapsychology). Ann Arbor, MI: Love Healing Press.
One-on-one session work to achieve your personal goals – from relieving past pain to living more fully to expanding consciousness. A subject in philosophy and practical application by highlighting key factors and illuminating the ways these can be used on a daily basis.
(Books & Other Sources)
Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis: Hypnosis for PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) – esp. for Veterans –
Unique strategies that can be used in conjunction with medical treatment to assist war veterans troubled by their memories and injuries. By using Alchemical Hypnotherapy, many veterans have said this has helped to heal the physical and emotional scars far better than traditional therapies and drugs combined.
Block, M.D., & et al. (2010). (Paperback – Illustrated). (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook – Part of a Series). Mind-Body Workbook for PTSD: A 10-week Program for Healing After Trauma. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
Self-guided, mind-body bridging program to help recover from Post-traumatic stress disorder. You’ll use your body to settle your mind, develop the skills you need to recover from PTSD, and start to feel connected, confident, and in charge of your life.
Heller, PhD., L. & LaPierre, Psy.D., A. (2012). (Unabridged – Audiobook). Healing Developmental Trauma: How early trauma affects self-regulation, self-image, and the capacity for relationship. Old Saybrook, CT: Tantor Audio Publisher.
This book draws from somatic-based psychotherapy and neuroscience to offer “clear guidance” for coping with complex PTSD.
Lee, D., PsyD., & et al. (2013). (Paperback – Illustrated). (The New Harbinger Compassion-Focused Therapy Series). The Compassionate-Mind Guide to Recovering from Trauma and PTSD: Using Compassion-Focused Therapy to Overcome Flashbacks, Shame, Guilt, and Fear. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
A guide to help readers reduce the sense of threat they feel and develop a fuller understanding of their actions to trauma by cultivating compassion for themselves and others. Practical exercises based on compassion-focused therapy (CFT) to overcome trauma-related behaviors.
Liebert, J., & Birnes, W. J. (2022). (Reprint Ed.). Wounded Minds: Understanding and Solving the Growing Menace of Post-traumatic stress disorder. New York City, NY: Skyhorse publishing.
Uncovers the disturbing truths of why post-traumatic stress injury is on the rise, how it’s threatening society, and how the military is failing to properly address this serious issue. Also describes the most recent research and methods that have been developed to help soldiers heal their mental and emotional wounds.
Matsakis, A. (2014). (The New Harbinger Loving Someone Series). (Kindle Edition). Loving Someone with PTSD: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Connecting with Your Partner After Trauma. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
Increasing your understanding of the signs and symptoms of PTSD, improve your communication skills with your loved one, set realistic expectations, and work to create a healthy environment for both partners.
Naparstek, B., & Scaer, R. C. (2004). (Audible Audiobook – Unabridged). Invisible Heroes: Survivors of Trauma And How They Heal – Now there is new hope for the millions affected by posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Carlsbad, CA: Hay House Publishing.
Clinically proven program for recovery using the potent tool of guided imagery. She reveals how guided imagery goes straight to the right side of the brain, where it impacts the nonverbal wiring of the nervous system itself, the key to alleviating suffering.
Pease-Banitt, LCSW., S. (2013 Nautilus Silver Award). (Audible Audiobook – Unabridged). The Trauma Tool Kit: Healing PTSD from the Inside Out. Portland, OR: Susan Pease Banitt Publisher.
Maps out practical aspects of healing from stress-related disorders. Providing first-aid techniques and assesses traditional and alternative therapies for Post-traumatic stress disorder and suggests methods that are universally available.
Powell, D. W. (2006). (Audible Audiobook – Unabridged – 2021). (Paperback – Hardcover). My Tour in Hell: A Marine’s Battle with Combat Trauma. Ann Arbor, MI: Loving Healing Press, Inc.
Author Powell’s story of how his traumatic experiences in combat in Vietnam greatly affected his life and how he finally recovered from Post-traumatic stress disorder through Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) and is now symptom-free.
Rose, A. (2018). (Paperback). (1st Edition). If I Could Tell You How It Feels: my life journey with PTSD. Scotts Valley, CA: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platforms.
This is a series of essays and poems about living authentically with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A journey into the reality of living with triggers, flashbacks, and the challenges of working through trauma.
Sebastian, B., & Nelms, J. (2019): The Effectiveness of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) – Article 2016: Techniques in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Meta-Analysis. (PMID: 27889444 DOI: 10.1016/j.explore.2016.10.001). New York, NY. Pub-Med. – Growing numbers of clinicians have been utilizing emotional freedom techniques (EFT) in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have shown encouraging outcomes for all three conditions.
Stecker, PhD., T. (2010). (Paperback). 5 Survivors: Personal Stories of Healing from PTSD and Traumatic Events. Center City, MN: Hazelden Publishing.
First-person accounts by post-traumatic stress disorder survivors: three veterans of war, a hurricane survivor, and a victim of childhood sexual abuse tell their stories of trauma and share their struggles and how they worked toward positive change and healing.
Williams, M. B. & Poijula, S. (2002). (Kindle Ed.). The PTSD Workbook: Simple, Effective Techniques for Overcoming Traumatic Stress Symptoms. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
Outlines techniques and interventions used by Post-traumatic stress disorder experts from around the world to offer trauma survivors effective tools to conquer their most distressing trauma-related symptoms; book is based in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
Zimbardo, P., Sword, R. & Sword, R. (2012). The Time Cure: Overcoming PTSD with the New Psychology of time Perspective Therapy. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishing.
Shows how those living with Post-traumatic stress disorder can shift their perspectives to change the way they think about past traumatic experiences, get away from a fatalistic mindset, and focus more on a positive future.
(Books & Other Sources)
Childre, D.L. & et al., (1996). (Paperback & E-book). Teaching Children to Love: 80 Games & Fun Activities for Raising Balanced Children in Unbalanced Times. Boulder Creek, CA: Heartmath, LLC Publishing.
Easy-to-use techniques, entertaining games, and activities. This is for parents, childcare providers, counselors, and everyone who is responsible for loving, educating and caring for children. For ages 6 months to 19 years, with variations for any age group.
Clark, J.D. (2019). The Patchwork Quilt: A book for children about Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Scotts Valley, CA. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
A way to talk to kids about D.I.D.s. This is a picture book designed to help those with D.I.D – Dissociative Identity Disorder (previously known as multiple personality disorder), talk about the condition. It is a great starting point for explaining this complex psychological condition to children (or to young alters). This colorfully illustrated narrative story is a great introduction to DID to children in a serious, but whimsical way.
Derolf, S. & Letzig, M. (1998). (Pre-school – 2). The Crayon Box that Talked. New York, NY: Random House Books for Young Readers Publisher.
A poem that celebrates the creation of harmony through diversity. Conveying the simple message that when we all work together, the results are much more interesting and colorful.
Forbes, LCSW, H. T. (2010). (Audible Audiobook – Unabridged). Beyond Consequences, Logic, and Control (Vol.1): A Love-Based Approach to Helping Attachment-Challenged Children With Severe Behaviors. Boulder, CO: Beyond Consequences Institute, LLC Publisher.
Covers in detail the effects of trauma on the body-mind and how trauma alters children’s behavioral responses. While scientifically based in research, it is written in an easy to understand and easy to grasp format for anyone working with or parenting children with severe behaviors.
Forbes, H. T. (2012). (Audible Audiobook – Unabridged). Help for Billy: A Beyond Consequences Approach to Helping Challenging Children in the Classroom. Boulder, CO: Beyond Consequences Institute, LLC Publisher.
A pragmatic manual to help guide families and educators who are struggling with traumatized children. Based on the concept of the neuroscience of emotions and behavior. Providing detailed, comprehensive, and logical strategies for teachers and parents.
Kate, M. A., Jamieson, G., & Middleton, W. (European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation). (2023). (PDF Format). Science Direct: Parent-child dynamics as predictors of dissociation in adulthood. Australia. Independently Published.
Recent work by Dr. Kate and colleagues – found several parent-child dynamic factors that protect against dissociation: parental care, being able to seek comfort, developing self-esteem and self-worth, among others; and being supported on the road to independence.
Malchiodi, C. A., & Perry, B. D. (2021 Second Edition). Creative Interventions with Traumatized Children (Creative Arts and Play Therapy). New York City, NY: The Guilford Press.
Updated and expanded discussions of trauma and of the neurobiological basis for creative interventions. Chapters on art therapy and EMDR, body maps and dissociation, sand-tray play, resiliency-based movement therapy, work with clay, mindfulness, and stress reduction with music therapy. Highlights important developments in knowledge about self-regulation, resilience, and posttraumatic growth.
Newman, L. (2017). (Hardcover – Picture Book). Sparkle boy. New York City, NY: Lee & Low Books Publisher.
Here is a sweet, heartwarming book about acceptance, respect, and the freedom to be yourself, in a world where any gender expression should be celebrated.
Perry, B. & Szalavitz, M. (2018). (Unabridged – Audiobook). The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog: Along with other stories from a child psychiatrist’s notebook – what traumatized children can teach us about loss, love, and healing. New York, NY: Hachette Audio Publisher.
A renowned psychiatrist reveals how trauma affects children – and outline the path to recovery. Dr. Perry explains what happens to the brains of children exposed to extreme stress and shares their lessons of courage, humanity, and hope.
Signal, K. K., & et al (2013 – Published). (Article – J Child Fam Stud 23, 558-566 (2014 – Issue Date). Equine Facilitated Therapy with Children and Adolescents Who Have been Sexually Abused: A Program Evaluation Study – Journal of Child and Family Studies. Berlin, Germany: Springer Nature Publishing.
Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a social problem that often inflicts long lasting psychological trauma and leads to psychopathology, behavioral problems, and re-victimization. Animals have been found to facilitate the development of the therapeutic alliance between client and practitioner and therapies utilizing horses have the added bonus of empowering clients.
Straus, PhD, S. F., & Bogade, M. (2013). (Hardcover). Healing Days: A Guide for Kids Who Have Experienced Trauma. Washington, D.C.: Magination Press Publishing.
Designed to be used in therapy for young children and functions as an excellent resource for those who have experienced physical or sexual abuse, or other trauma. Readers will follow four children as they learn ways to cope with their own trauma.
Wilcox, P. D. (2012). (Paperback – Kindle). Trauma Informed Treatment: The Restorative Approach. Amherst, MA: Off the Common Books Publishing.
The essential guide to trauma informed care with at risk youth, providing a foundational understanding of trauma’s impact on the developing brain, then detailing its implications for treatment, the promotion of pro-social behaviors, and improving the culture among clients and staff.
Ziegler, D., PhD. (2011). (Paperback & Kindle). Traumatic Experience and the Brain: A handbook for understanding and treating those traumatized as children. Fort Worth, TX: Acacia Publishing, Inc.
This book details the effect of children traumatized by abuse, and/or neglect, and the trauma on the developing brain, describing how it actually rewires one’s perceptions of self, others, and the world. It is a book of hope for foster, natural, and adoptive parents of such “broken” children and the therapists, teachers, and social workers who attempt to help them.
Utilizing state-of-the-art healing techniques from diverse teachings such as EFT, Brain Gym, as well as Qi Gong, Kundalini yoga, & hypnosis, returning you to calm, centeredness, and peace.
Dissociative Disorders And Trauma Research Program – Understanding the Impact of Trauma through Research. Our overall mission is to contribute to the scientific examination of trauma-related dissociation, dissociative identity disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder in people who have experienced childhood abuse, and in doing so reduce stigma and improve care for these individuals.
The Center on the Developing Child’s diverse activities align around building an R&D (research and development) platform for science-based innovation and transforming the policy and practice landscape that supports and even demands change. A place that is helping children challenged by adversity.
(Dr. Michael J. Cohen: Ecopsychology books, training, etc.). Hands-On Nature Therapy Courses, Counseling, Healing, Holistic Arts & Science, Grants & Climate Therapy.
(HeartMath institute). HeartMath Institute empowers individuals, families, groups, and organizations to enhance their life experiences using tools that enable them to better recognize and access their intuitive insight and heart intelligence.
(Dr. Richard Swartz: Internal Family Systems). IFS is a transformative, evidence-based psychotherapy that helps people heal by accessing and loving their protective and wounded inner parts.
International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD): Offering professional training programs, webinars, publications, and conferences. ISSTD seeks to advance clinical, scientific, and societal understanding about the prevalence and consequences of chronic trauma and dissociation.
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) is an international, interdisciplinary professional organization that promotes advancement and exchange of knowledge about traumatic stress.
(Joining Forces For Children – ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences). Learning more about the psychological effects of ACEs on young minds and the long-term health complications that can come from recurring exposure to ACEs. Now that we understand how toxic stress affects the minds and bodies of children, we can interrupt these changes by providing safe, stable, nurturing environments, while helping children build social-emotional skills and resilience.
(Kundalini yoga research institute). Offering Education & training, publications & research. Level 1, 2, & 3 programs; plus 21 stages of meditation program, including, specific research-based yoga exercises & sets for behavioral, emotional, & psychological consequences of trauma.
National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) was established by Congress in 2000 to raise the standard of care and improve access to services for traumatized children, their families, and communities throughout the United States.
National Institute of Mental Health’s website offers resources for Post-traumatic stress disorder ( and for coping with traumatic events (
Peace4Tarpon’s official website helps to fulfill this Trauma Informed Community Initiative’s mission to promote a widespread awareness of costly effects of personal adversity upon the well-being of the community.
Peace4Tarpon’s Community Guide offers an extensive listing of organizations that provide essential services to the community, including trauma treatment providers. Printed copies of this guide are available at the Library.
National Center for PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)’s purpose is to improve the well-being and understanding of individuals who have experienced traumatic events, with a focus on American Veterans.
(Rapid Resolution Therapy: Dr. Jon Connelly). Jon Connelly first founded the Institute for Survivors of Sexual Violence, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization engaged in research and development of innovative treatment for survivors of trauma. RRT offers innovative training programs designed for people looking to relieve suffering.
National Center for Traumatic-Informed Care (NCTIC) dedicated to building awareness of trauma-informed care and promoting the implementation of trauma-informed practices in programs and services.
(TRE: Dr. David Berceli, Ph.D.). The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process – Dr. Berceli is the author of multiple books that outline the effectiveness of (TRE) in the lives of people around the world. Each book delves into the history and research around the body-based approach to reducing and recovering from stress, anxiety, and trauma.
APPS available on Google Play / Apple
Antar – (Google Play): Chat with Interworld – Antar, a window to your inner world. It is a new approach to align your thoughts, emotions, and decisions – Antar offers you a unique way to have an internal argument using various personas or emotions.
7 cups of tea (Apple): Feeling worried, sad, stressed, or lonely? Need to talk to someone? Download 7 Cups now for FREE anonymous emotional support, therapy & counseling from therapists, trained active listeners & support groups.
Calm (Apple): Calm is the #1 app for sleep, meditation, and relaxation. Manage stress, balance moods, sleep better and refocus your attention. Guided meditation, Sleep Stories, soundscapes, breathwork and stretching exercises fill our extensive library. Practice self-healing and discover a happier you through Calm.
Life at home (Apple): Life@Home App is a powerful new child & family evaluation tool created by psychologist Dr. Steve O’Brien for mental health, social work, healthcare, education, child advocacy, and family law professionals.
“CE class available through Elite Healthcare, as of 2020” – The Neuroscience of Human Relationships 2e – Attachment and the Developing Social Brain.
CE Chapter – Integrative and Comprehensive Trauma Treatment, 2nd Edition – 7 CE hours – Social Workers and Psychologists.
CE Chapter: Lipsky, Laura, Van Dermoot & Burk, Connie; forwarded by Jon R. Conte, Ph.D.: Trauma Stewardship – An everyday guide to caring for self, while caring for others.
Buck –
A documentary on Buck Brannaman, who recovered from years of child abuse to become a renown “horse whisperer” a well-known expert in the interactions between horses people.
Concrete Cowboy – Netflix movie –
A troubled teen is caught between a life of crime and his estranged father’s vibrant urban-cowboy subculture. This movie is based off of the novel “Ghetto Cowboy”, by G. Neri.
How to Change Your Mind – Netflix movie –
Showcases what psychedelics teach people about consciousness, dying, addiction, depression, and transcendence.
I am Vanessa Guillen – Netflix movie –
U.S. Army soldier tells her mother that she is being sexually harassed before being murdered by a fellow soldier.
The Impact of Trauma on Wellness: Implications for Comprehensive Systems Change –
Presentation recording of a teleconference on the effects of childhood trauma and new approaches for acceptance and treatment.
Inside Out: (Amazon Prime). About grief and recovery.
Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Like all of us, Riley is guided by her emotions – Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness. The emotions live in Headquarters, the control center inside Riley’s mind, where they help advise her through everyday life. As Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to a new life in San Francisco, turmoil ensues in Headquarters. Although Joy, Riley’s main and most important emotion, tries to keep things positive, the emotions conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house, and school.
The Invisible War –
An investigative documentary about the epidemic of Rape and Sexual Assault in the Military.
Mulan (Disney) –
To save her father from death in the army, a young maiden secretly goes in his place and becomes one of China’s greatest heroines in the process.
Robert Oxnam and His Life With Dissociative Identity Disorder –
Podcast with Robert Oxnam talking about DID, it’s signs and how to seek treatment.
Robert Oxnam: Dialogue Web Extra –
In his book, A fractured Mind: My Life with Multiple Personality Disorder, Robert describes his life coming to terms with having multiple personalities. Talking with host Joan Cartan-Hansen about solutions & functioning.
Screenagers –
Exploring parental struggles over social media, video games, academics, and internet addiction; and offers solutions to help kids find balance.
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron –
A wild stallion is captured by humans and slowly loses the will to resist training, yet, throughout his struggles for freedom, the stallion refuses to let go of the hope of one day returning to his herd.
Thank You For Your Service –
Documentary about military soldiers and how the U.S. military faces a mental health crisis of historic proportions. This documentary takes aim at our superficial understanding of war trauma and the failed policies that result.
Over The Moon. (Netflix) –
Fueled by memories of her mother, resourceful Fei Fei builds a rocket to the moon on a mission to prove the existence of a legendary moon goddess.
What the Bleep Do We Know –
A divorced photographer, has a fantastic experience when life begins to unravel around her, revealing the cellular, molecular, and quantum worlds that lie beneath everything.
What the Bleep Do We Know, down the rabbit hole –
Interviews with scientists and authors, storyline involving a deaf photographer are used in this docudrama to illustrate the link between quantum mechanics, neurobiology, human consciousness, and day-to-day reality.
(Books & Other Sources)
A.T.W (2004). (Paperback). Got Parts? An insider’s guide to managing life successfully with dissociative identity disorder. Ann Arbor, MI: Love Healing Press.
This book is filled with successful coping techniques and strategies to enhance the day-to-day functioning of adult survivors of DID. Written by a survivor of DID in association with her therapist and therapy group.
Adams, A., & Elbo, M. (1990). (Paperback). The Silver Boat. Monterey & Warm Springs, VA: Ann Adams Publisher.
A beautifully illustrated fairy tale that will delight children of all ages, which describes the little girl and her journey, one that we all must take, in order to leave our pain behind and reach the healing place of “the warm and sunny land”.
Adams, A., & Pace, J. (1994): The Silver Boat II: The Journey. Monterey & Warm Springs, VA: Ann Adams Publisher.
As a continuation of the first book The Silver Boat, this story takes an unsuspected and bewildering turn which challenges the little girl to deal even more deeply with the most disguised aspects of herself.
Alderman, T., & Marshall, K. (1998). Amongst Ourselves: A self-help guide to living with dissociative identity disorder. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
Providing practical steps to cope with the condition and emerge with greater self-awareness and the skills to live a rich and rewarding life. With practical suggestions for coming to terms with the condition, managing the confusion and self-destructive behaviors.
Bryant, D., & Kessler, J. (1995). (Norton Professional Books -1st Edition). Beyond Integration: One Multiple’s Journey. Manhattan, NY: W.W. Norton & Company Publisher.
This book focuses on the difficulties and rewards of post-integration work with multiples. Alternating voices, therapist and former client show how the adult can reclaim selfhood that was violently denied to the child.
Collyer, C. (2021 Paperback & Kindle Edition). Staying In The Room: Managing medical and dental care when you have DID. Chicago, IL: Independently Publishers Group.
Managing medical and dental care when you have DID and experience fear, avoidance, or increased dissociation during medical and dental treatment. Written to support adults with DID and provides practical strategies that make it easier to seek and receive the care they deserve.
Haddock, D. (2001). (Paperback & Kindle). (Sourcebooks). The Dissociative Identity Disorder Sourcebook. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Publisher.
This book serves as a much-needed bridge for communication between the dissociative individual and therapists, family, and friends who also have to learn to deal with the effects of this truly astonishing disorder.
Ian C. (2017). (Paperback). DID Discovering Hope: Dissociative Identity Disorder. Old Saybrook, CT. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
Cole Ian invites you on this captivating, self-proclaimed advocate journey of personal history, factual description, and despondent details of the daily life of living with “Dissociative Identity Disorder”.
Karjala, PhD., L. (2007). (Paperback & Kindle). Understanding Trauma and Dissociation. Atlanta, GA: Thomas Max Publishing.
A Guide for Therapists, Patients, and Loved Ones – For psychotherapists who treat the aftereffects of trauma, as well as for trauma survivors and their loved ones. Unraveling the mysteries of dissociation, its roots, its effects, and its treatment.
Miller, J. (2021). (Paperback & Kindle). Dear Little Ones: (3 book series). Book 1: Hope, Help, and Healing for Your Inner Child. Book 2: Helping Your Inner Children Heal from Family Conflict. Book 3: Talking to Your Inner Children About Wholeness. Somerville, MA: Multifaceted Press.
Whether you are a survivor of severe trauma experiencing distressing internal states or you have an inner child who could use some encouragement, you will find this an empowering and uplifting read.
Napier, N. J. (1994). Getting Through the Day: Strategies for adults Hurt as Children. Manhattan, NY: W.W. Norton & Company Publisher.
Strategies for adults hurt as children. Learning new strategies to meet the demands of daily living. While focusing on the effects of dissociation and including specific advice for multiples. Early abuse can have a profound effect on adult life and this book enables adults who were traumatized as children and offering dozens of exercises helpful to anyone who has unresolved childhood feelings blocking life’s path.
Schofield, L. (2021). (Kindle Edition – 1st Edition). Understanding Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Guidebook for Survivors and Practitioners. Oxfordshire, England, UK: Routledge Publisher.
A picture book and guidebook set that offers a broad introduction to childhood trauma and its legacies, with a focus on dissociation and DID.
Vermilyea, E. (2013). (Paperback – 2nd Edition). Growing Beyond Survival – A self-help toolkit for managing traumatic stress. Derwood, MD: Sidran Press Publishing.
This is a practical, user-friendly guidebook that does what it sets out to do, namely, to provide trauma survivors with a toolbox of strategies to help them heal and recover.
Werner, T. (2017). (Paperback). A Different Kind of Super Hero. Surrey, British Columbia, Canada: Big Tree Publishers.
Discussion of mental health and illness. Parents are empowered to begin a discussion of the impact of childhood trauma resulting in Dissociative Identity Disorder in a safe and open environment. The narrative is delivered from a young child’s perspective, in playful, imaginative, and descriptive language.
(Books & Other Sources)
Kolton, MD., S. (2021). (Unabridged – Audiobook). Brain Storm: A Life in Pieces. New York, NY: FLR Press Publisher.
Dr. Kelley Kolton tells the story of a childhood marked by unimaginable abuse and the distinct parts of her brain created to hold those memories and protect her. This story is the heartbreaking account of a mind, fragmented and broken, made whole by one woman’s incomparable strength and courage.
Miller, A. (2014). (1st Edition). Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse. Oxfordshire, England, UK: Routledge Publisher.
This book is designed for survivors of these abuses, taking the survivor systematically through understanding the abuses and how his or her symptoms may be consequences of these abuses, and gives practical advice on how to achieve stability and manage the life issues; plus how to work with a complex personality system and with the traumatic memories, to heal the wounds created by the abuse.
Oksana, C. (2001). (Paperback). Safe Passage to Healing: A guide for survivors of ritual abuse. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse Publisher.
This book is an inspiring, comprehensive guide showing that healing is possible. Oksana, helps demystify ritual abuse cults, and offers groundbreaking strategies for recovery, by drawing on inner wisdom and spirituality, taking survivors step-by-step through the healing process.
(Books & Other Sources)
Armstrong, M. Ed., LPC (2011). (1st Edition). Transforming Traumatic Grief: Six steps to move from grief to peace after the sudden or violent death of a loved one. Tijeras, NM: Artemecia Press.
This book provides compassionate support and creative ways to soothe and transform your emotions with powerful, but simple strategies that promote healing and calm feelings of anxiety, anger, or despair. Alleviating nightmares, intrusive images, and ruminating thoughts by providing practical tools to comfort grievers and shows ways to create renewed meaning in life beyond grief and trauma.
Arvay, C. & et al. (2018). (Unabridged – Audiobook). The biophilia effect: A Scientific and Spiritual Exploration of the Healing Bond Between Humans and Nature. Louisville, CO: Sounds True Publishing.
A book that transforms our understanding of our interconnection with nature – and shows us how to engage the natural world wherever we live for greater health, inspiration, rejuvenation, and spiritual sustenance.
Banitt, LCSW., S. (2012). (Unabridged – Audiobook). The Trauma Tool Kit: Healing PTSD from the Inside Out. Portland, OR: Susan Pease Banitt Publisher.
This book assesses the values and limitations of traditional and alternative therapies and suggests methods that are universally available. Banitt includes a look at public policy and public health issues and the need for new therapeutic models.
Brown, PhD., L. (2012). (Paperback & Kindle Edition). Your Turn For Care: Surviving the aging and death of the adults who harmed you. Scotts Valley, CA: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
For adults who were abused and maltreated by older family members who are now faced with the aging and death of those abusive elders.
Cheit, R. (2016). (Hardcover & E-Textbook). (1st Edition). The Witch-Hunt Narrative: Politics, Psychology, and the Sexual Abuse of Children. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
This is a magisterial and empirically powerful account of the social dynamics that led to the denial of widespread human tragedy. The writer shows how a narrative based on empirically thin evidence became a theory with real social force, and how that theory stood at odds with a far more grim reality.
Childre, D.L., & et al. (2017). (Unabridged – Audiobook). Heart Intelligence, Connecting with the Heart’s Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices, and Solutions. Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA: Waterside Productions, Inc., Publisher.
The book is grounded in breakthrough research linking the physical heart to the spiritual (energetic) heart. Heart intelligence increases your heart-brain connection, providing access to your heart’s intuitive guidance and practical intuition needed at important choice points, allowing you to choose your responses rather than mechanically react in the same old stress-producing behaviors.
Cori, J. & et al (2008). (Unabridged – Audiobook). Healing from Trauma: A Survivor’s Guide to Understanding Your Symptoms and Reclaiming Your Life. New York, NY: Hachette Audio Publisher.
With innovative insight into trauma-related difficulties, understanding trauma and its devastating impacts, help identify symptoms of trauma (dissociation, numbing, etc.) and common mental health problems that stem from trauma.
Danylchuck, L. (2022). (Unabridged – Audiobook). Yoga for Trauma Recovery: Theory, Philosophy, and Practice. Oakland, CA: Lisa Danylchuk Publisher.
Outlines best practices for the growing body of professionals trained in both yoga and psychotherapy and addresses the theoretical foundations that tie the two fields. Understanding the safe and effective integration of trauma-informed yoga and somatic psychotherapy is essential to providing informed, effective treatment.
Eden, D. & Feinstein, D. (2008). (Unabridged – Audiobook). Energy Medicine: Balancing Your Body’s Energies for Optimal Health, Joy, and Vitality. Old Saybrook, CT: Tantor Audio Publisher.
This is an updated and expanded edition of her alternative-health classic, where Eden shows readers how they can understand their body’s energy systems to promote healing.
Evans, P. (2010). (Unabridged – Audiobook). (Expanded – 3rd Edition). The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to recognize it and how to respond. Manhattan, NY: Simon & Schuster Audio Publisher.
Learn why verbal abuse is more widespread than ever, and how you can deal with it. Drawing from hundreds of real situations suffered by real people, Evans offers strategies, sample scripts, and action plans designed to help you deal with the abuse – and the abuser.
Green, J. (2010). (Hardcover). (Featured on 60 minutes). Turtles all the way down. Boston, MA: Dutton Books for Young Readers Publisher.
A story of shattering, unflinching clarity in this brilliant novel of love, resilience, and the power of lifelong friendship. Aza is trying. She is trying to be a good daughter, a good friend, a good student, and maybe even a good detective, while also living within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts.
Grout, P. (2013). (Unabridged – Audiobook). E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House Publisher.
Best described as a lab manual with simple experiments to prove that reality is malleable, and that you shape your life with your mind. Nine experiments demonstrate that spiritual principles are as dependable as gravity, as consistent as Newton’s laws of motion.
Guggenheim, B. & J. (1997). (Unabridged – Audiobook). Hello from heaven! A new field of research: after-death communication confirms that life and love are eternal. Old Saybrook, CT: Tantor Audio Publisher.
This book offers comfort and emotional support, hope, courage, strength, and inspiration. They present persuasive evidence that ADCs are authentic contacts by deceased loved ones and discuss a few of the many far reaching social and spiritual implications of their findings.
Ishaya, G. (2020). (Paperback & Audiobook). Soul Based Healing: The Adventure of Ascending into Light. Traverse City, MI: Independently Published.
This book nurtures humanity’s ongoing process of planetary ascension that includes evolving physicality to rise naturally in frequency. Meditation supports evolving our bodies, minds, emotions, and memories into the freedom of Conscious Light.
Levine, PhD., P. & Frederick, A. (2016). (Unabridged – Audiobook). Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma. Old Saybrook, CT: Tantor Audio Publisher.
Offers a new and hopeful vision of trauma. It views the human animal as a unique being, endowed with an instinctual capacity. This book normalizes the symptoms of trauma and the steps needed to heal them.
Levine, PhD., P. (2008). (Audiobook – Original Recording). Healing Trauma: A pioneering program for restoring the wisdom of your body. Old Saybrook, CT: Tantor Audio Publisher.
This book gives a personal how-to guide for using the theory Levine first introduced in his highly acclaimed work with breakthrough Somatic Experiencing methods to actively overcome challenges and uncovering the physiological roots of your emotions.
Quindlen, A. (2000). (Audiobook & Kindle). A short guide to a happy life. New York City, NY: Random House Audio Publisher.
This book guides us to live deeply every day and from our own unique self, rather than merely to exist through our days.
Revive (2018 – Present). Revive.
We would like to introduce you to Revive, which is a free monthly publication. Revive’s mission is to empower individuals to take control of their own health and wellness by offering tools and resources to support a whole-person approach for personal growth and recovery; and also to inspire people on their wellness journey to improve their health and overall lifestyle for body, mind, and soul.
Silberman, S. & Sacks, O. (2015). (Unabridged – Audiobook). NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity. Ashland, OR: Blackstone Audio, Inc., Publisher.
This book considers the idea that neurological differences such as autism, dyslexia, and ADHD are not errors of nature or products of the toxic modern world, but the result of natural variations in the human genome.
Singer, M. (2022). (Unabridged – Audiobook). Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament. Old Saybrook, CT: Tantor Audio Publisher.
Practical guidance for moving beyond the thoughts, feelings, and habits that keep you stuck – so you can heal the pain of the past.
Whitaker, K. C. (1991). (Paperback). The Reluctant Shaman: A Woman’s First Encounters with the Unseen Spirits of the Earth. San Francisco, CA: Harper-One Publisher.
A spellbinding account of Kay’s “reluctant” apprenticeship to two charismatic shamans form the Amazon Basin who come to teach her and hand down the ancient wisdom of their people.
Whittaker, S. & Pattihis, E. (2014). (Kindle Edition). Sound Healing With Gongs. Everett, WA: Healing Sound Publisher.
A gong book for Beginners by using sound gongs for sound healing and therapy work. Written in plain and simple language, for anyone to understand.
(Books, Websites, You Tube & Other Sources)
Bryant, D. & Kessler, J. (1996). Beyond Integration: One Multiple’s Journey (Norton Professional Books). New York, NY. W.W. Norton & Co. Publisher.
Alternating voices, therapist and former client show how the adult can reclaim selfhood that was violently denied to the child.
Casey, J. F. & et al (1991). The Flock: The Autobiography of a Multiple Personality. New York, NY. Ballantine Books Publisher.
First-Person account of successful recovery from dissociative identity disorder. Joan was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder and was prescribed a radical program of reparenting therapy to individually treat her twenty-four separate personalities. She uncovered a pattern of emotional and physical abuse that had nearly consumed a remarkable young woman.
Chase, T. (2015). Creature of Habit, A Journey. Delaware, MD. Kari Ainsworth Publisher.
Guided by the wisdom of those who have gone before, the Creature of Habit must summon great inner strength to face his fears and throw off the lies of his past, only then can he embrace genuine hope and find true unfettered thought and emotional freedom.
Chase, T. & Phillips, R. (1987). When Rabbit Howls: A First-Person Account of Multiple Personality, Memory, and Recover. New York City, NY. Berkley Publisher.
A woman diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder reveals her harrowing journey from abuse to recovery in this autobiography written by her own multiple personalities.
Cohen, B. (1991). Multiple Personality Disorder From the Inside Out. Towson, MD. The Sidran Press Publisher.
People with DD and their significant others address the complex issues of diagnosis, therapy, and maintaining personal relationships with an impassioned voice as those who struggle with dissociation and share their experiences, obstacles, and triumphs.
Conan, V. (2020). (Audiobook & Kindle). Losing the Atmosphere, A Memoir: A Baffling Disorder, a Search for Help, and the Therapist Who Understood. Buffalo, NY. Author’s Republic Publisher.
Vivian grew up with a father prone to bouts of rage and an emotionally erratic mother, which led Vivian to grow up in two different words: Outside and Inside. Outside, she had friends, excelled in school, and was close to her extended family. Inside, she saw faces that were not hers in her bedroom mirror and was surrounded by an invisible Atmosphere. This is Vivian’s riveting account of her journey toward self-understanding and wholeness. This book is a never-too-late story about the growth possible for anyone with the guts to pursue it.
DID: A Personal Story:
Story of a mother of two diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder. Her more than nine identities can appear at any time. Throughout the series, Jane comes to terms with past abuses and an unfiltered look at a young woman who is learning how to live her life again.
Fletcher, Psy.D., A. (2022). One Soul, Multiple Expressions: POEMS BY THE PARTS. Traverse City, MI. Independently Published.
Fletcher’s debut poetry collection is a mediative journey through familial child sex trafficking and dissociative identity disorder (DID). A lyrical exploration of abject loneliness and exploitation of finding and building community together, by traversing the many stages of healing.
Fletcher, T. (2010). Mother Had a Secret. Murrell’s Inlet, SC. Covenant Communications Inc., Publisher.
As a teenager, Tiffany knew that her mother had been brutally abused as a child. She knew that the abuse caused her mother’s severe mental and emotional instability, which brought painful complications for the entire family. This book is poetic, poignant, and heart-wrenchingly honest, this riveting narrative offers hope to victims of mental illness and their families and provides insight to readers unacquainted with this struggle.
Fletcher, A. Dr.: Trauma Survivor – A personal Story:
Dr. Adrian Fletcher – Telling her own story as a trauma survivor, as a trafficking survivor, a person living with dissociative identity disorder (DID) and now a licensed psychologist. Finding hope and helping individuals and communities by providing guidance to mental health professionals and programs who want a holistic approach to their treatment plans. A personal story of embracing her healing journey and turning pain into purpose.
Hyman, J. (2007). (Paperback). I am More Than One: How women with dissociative identity disorder have found success in life and work. New York City, NY. McGraw-Hill Publisher.
This book vividly portrays the internal world of DID and understands the logic and function of dissociated parts of the mind. This is the most detailed exploration of the different types of parts, their origins, and functions.
Lawrence, Brother. (Original published date – 1692 – new release 1982). (Unabridged – Audiobook). The Practice of the Presence of God: In Modern English. Las Vegas, NV. Marshall Davis Publisher.
This volume consists of personal conversations and letters of Brother Lawrence who was a seventeenth century Christian, who had a spiritual awakening and entered a Carmelite monastery in Paris. In this book it talks on how one can experience God at all times. Also included in this edition are Brother Lawrence’s Spiritual Maxims, a document that was discovered among his belongings after his death.
Marrow, P.S. (2013). We Are Annora: A True Story of Surviving Multiple Personality Disorder. Bloomington, IN. Xlibris Corporation Publishing.
Intensifying bouts of amnesia caused by her husband to seek marital counseling for them. This book demonstrates the human will to survive amidst a crippling disorder that is still so misunderstood.
Noble, K. (2011). All of Me: How I Learned to Live with the Many Personalities Sharing My Body. Chicago, IL. Chicago Review Press.
This book traces Noble’s tumultuous and fragmented life from childhood onward, providing insight into the intersections between memory, mental illness, and creativity. It tells of the battles, courage, and commitment in trying to make sense of her life, and provides a fascinating look at the confusion, frustration, and everyday challenges of a person living with DID.
Olson, S. & Howard, A. Psy.D. (1997). Becoming One: A Story of Triumph Over Dissociative Identity Disorder. Birmingham, United Kingdom, England. Swan Pond Press Publishing.
The author’s courage and generosity in candidly sharing her remarkable experiences provide important insights into the world of dissociation. Here is at once a highly personal look into an individual life, the dynamics of a troubled family, and the healing power of the therapeutic process.
Oxnam, R. B., & Dufris, W. (2013). (Audiobook & Kindle – Unabridged). A Fractured Mind: [My Life with Multiple Personality Disorder]. New York, NY. Hachette Books Publisher.
This book is a powerful and moving story of one person’s struggle with this terrifying diagnosis of Multiple Personality Disorder. A Fractured Mind is the powerful and moving story of one person’s struggle. The audio book includes an epilogue by Dr. Smith in which he describes Oxnam’s case, the treatment, and the nature of multiple personality disorder. Oxnam’s courage in facing his situation and overcoming his painful past makes for a dramatic and inspiring book; as featured on 60 minutes, with Morley Safer.
Pattillo, C. (2014). (Paperback). I Am WE: My Life with Multiple Personalities. Everett, WA. Christine Pattillo, LLC Publisher.
In her fascinating memoir, Christine shares her incredible journey of life with Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD).
Preston, N. (2013). (Kindle & Paperback). After Sybil… From the Letters of Shirley Mason. Conshohocken, PA. Infinity Publishing.
Handwritten letters to her friend about life after the integration of her sixteen personalities, with photos, quotes, and art that recount Shirley’s story from 1970 to 1998.
Rose, A. (2015). (Paperback). Untangled: A story of resilience, courage, and triumph. Scotts Valley, CA: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platforms.
Recalling her life, the author takes un on a journey of unimaginable abuse with continued explicit threats that eventually lead to her being sent overseas on an impossible mission. A history of abuse, torture, and threats to maintain her silence or be killed could no longer be denied. This is her story of facing the truth and risking the consequences of breaking the silence. This book is about resilience, hope for victims who have suffered trauma and for the people who support them.
Skye, V. (2021). (Kindle Edition). Healing From Trauma: I found my missing pieces and loved us back together. Seattle, WA. Kindle Direct Publishing.
A story of one woman’s struggle to figure out why she had so many fragmented pieces, and understanding that she was not worthless, she was not damaged goods, and learning to heal and live with DID.
Sunshaw, E. (2021). (Paperback). If Tears Were Prayers, A Life With Dissociative Identity Disorder. Washington, District of Columbia. HWC Press, LLC Publishing.
Through memories that shift fluidly through both time and perspective, Emma shares the struggle to understand her condition, pieces of childhood horrors and betrayal traumas that triggered the protective labyrinth of her mind, and her gradual acceptance and compassion toward all the parts of her Self.
Trujillo, O. (2011). (Paperback & Kindle). The Sum of My Parts: A Survivor’s story of Dissociative Identity Disorder. Oakland, CA. New Harbinger Publishing.
This memoir reveals Olga’s life story for the first time, chronicling her heroic journey from survivor to advocate and her remarkable recovery from DID.
Van Debur, M. (2003). Miss America by Day: Lessons Learned from Ultimate Betrayals and Unconditional Love. Wilson, VA. Oak Hill Ridge Publishing.
This book tells the story of how she was sexually violated by her prominent, millionaire father from the age of 5 to the age of 18. She was 53 years old before she was able to speak the words in public, “I am an incest survivor.”
Walsch, N. D., (1997). (Paperback & Audiobook). Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue. London, England, United Kingdom. Hodder & Stoughton Publisher.
Describes how Neal wrote a letter to God, venting his frustrations during a low period in his life, and finding the answers within to his questions that helped change his life and the way he viewed other beings.
Healing Trauma & Dissociation Information
(YouTubes/ Websites & Podcasts)
An Infinite Mind: (A.I.M):
Offering a trustworthy, joyful space to connect with survivors living with dissociative identities, supporters, and clinicians. Offering access to accurate information and a community of people who understand and live or work with people living with dissociation.
Blue Knot Foundation:
Blue Knot Foundation National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma – For survivors and loved ones living with the effects of abuse, neglect, violence, or exploitation experience as a child, young person, or adult. Great resource website for survivors and professionals alike.
Dissociation & Trauma Recovery Resource books:
A great resource for books on dissociation, and trauma recovery. With books like, Dissociation made simple: A free guide to embracing your dissociative mind and navigating live. Trauma and the 12-steps: daily meditations and reflections; plus a workbook to help focus on daily recovery practices. Also, Dancing mindfulness: A creative path to healing & transformation. All of these and more by Dr. Jamie Marich, Ph.D., and colleagues.
Earthing products connect you to the earth’s electrons through the grounded port of your three-prong outlet or via a Ground Rod.
Feeling Is the Secret (1944) by Neville Goddard:
A personal development book written by Neville Goddard, first published in 1938. The book is a guide to using the power of our thoughts and feelings to shape our reality and create the lives we desire.
Holistic Enlightenment:
With the purpose of helping people to transform their lives for the better by creating opportunities for profound personal change in body, mind, and spirit through the wisdom found in the Edgar Cayce material for holistic enlightenment through meditation, intuition, dream interpretation, prayer, holistic health, and many more.
International society for the study of trauma and dissociation:
With resources for public and professionals alike who seek to advance their clinical, scientific, and also societal understanding about the prevalence and consequences of chronic trauma and dissociation.
KaleidoSoul Kindred Spirits – SoulCollage®:
Facilitator and Trainer Anne Marie Bennett introduces you to some KaleidoSoul Kindred Spirits members discussing why they love KaleidoSoul Kindred Spirits and how being a Kindred Spirit Member has affected their lives and their SoulCollage® practice.
Labyrinth walking 101:
Great for spiritual meditation. Schedule a time to walk Equusolutions’ portable, retreat labyrinth at the ranch, or at our Westchase office, by connecting with us through
Little Stories: Dear Little Ones:
Dissociative Identity Disorder: With the kind permission of the author Jade Miller, Percival reads a very special story to the Littles of all Systems everywhere: ‘Dear Little Ones’. Grab a stuffed toy and cuddle up for Story Time!
Multiplied by one org: Trauma & Dissociative Disorders:
An international nonprofit for trauma and dissociative disorders. Our services support those with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD), depersonalization, derealization, fugue, Maladaptive Daydreaming, Dissociative Identity Disorder, OSDD, and loved ones.
Polyvagal Theory:
The New Science of Safety and Trauma: A new understanding of how our nervous system works, and explains every trauma, from social behaviors to shedding light on possible treatments for autism and trauma.
Qigong is a mind-body exercise form that uses meditation, breathing, and movement to increase energy and enable the body to heal itself. The exercise and healing techniques used were developed in ancient China and Tibet, by Gong, Chi.
Recovery from trauma:
If you want to learn more about trauma, dissociation, and recovery – either for yourself or to help others. Great resource for books, courses, blogs, and podcasts, all designed to help in the recovery from complex childhood trauma.
Sidran Institute:
Institute for traumatic stress education and advocacy. Helping people understand, treat, and manage trauma and dissociation.
Scientific information to stop mind control, ritual abuse, and child abuse; and to help those who have been ritually abused.
This is a method for accessing your intuition and creating a unique deck of cards holding deep personal meaning for you that you will use to bring guidance from your own intuition to help with your life’s questions and transitions. SoulCollage® is used by individuals and professionals worldwide for personal development and spiritual guidance and reflection.
Sound technology guided programs:
The world’s leading education center for the study of human consciousness. Their guided programs use sound technology to empower your journey of self-discovery.
Survivors: Beauty after Bruises:
Bringing light back into the eyes of survivors with Complex PTSD and Dissociative Trauma Disorders. This website is for survivors, supporters and those wanting to learn more about healing from traumas.
For survivors of ritual abuse, mind control, and torture, and pro-survivors. Providing webinars, conferences, books, CD’s, and other helpful resources.
System Speak:
Diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, Emma, and her system share what they learn along the way about DID., dissociation, trauma, and mental health. System Speak documents her healing journey through the best and worst of life in recover through insights, conversations, and collaborations.
Thompson, Jeffrey, Dr.: (Audio CD / MP3 / download). (8-hour long tracks).
Delta Sleep System on Amazon – offers the most physically relaxed stage of sleep (Delta), which is essential for healthy, productive living. These audio programs are currently being used by psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, and other professionals worldwide. See information listed below.
This is a noninvasive form of brain stimulation in which a changing magnetic field is used to induce an electric current at a specific area of the brain through electromagnetic induction. Sound tracks that coax your mind into an optimal state for deeper, more restorative sleep all night long.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS):
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of major depression. It’s called a “noninvasive” procedure because it’s done without using surgery or cutting the skin.
Treatment Studies – Dissociative Disorders:
Studies of the treatment process of patients with Dissociative Disorders (TOP DD) – and identifying the most effective treatments for DD.
Particularly For Sexual Trauma / Abuse:
(Books / Websites & Other Formats)
Offering hope to child abuse survivors:
An online support group that is a volunteer-driven organization with a team composed of people from around the U.S., Australia, Europe, and the UK. Offering resources and forums where adult survivors of child abuse and their loved ones can seek support.
Pandora’s Project:
Pandora’s Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing support, and resources to survivors of rape and sexual abuse and their friends and family.
Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN):
Resources, helping survivors, educating the public, and improving public policies. A great website for support, information, advice, and referrals.
Saprea Healing Webinar:
This is a free 4.5 hour interactive and educational online experience designed to help female survivors jumpstart their healing from home. This webinar is led by a clinical therapist who specializes in trauma recovery. Saprea exists to liberate individuals and society from child sexual abuse and its lasting impacts.
Stop it Now!
Prevents the sexual abuse of children by mobilizing adults, families, and communities through direct support, information, and resources to take actions that protect children before they are harmed. In preventing human trafficking, you are also often preventing child sexual abuse.
The Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy, Inc.:
Utilizing innovative concepts, multi-level communication, and specialized tools to resolve emotional disturbance and maladaptive behavior by changing how the unconscious mind processes information so that improvements are natural, automatic, and lasting.
Trauma Information Pages:
David Baldwin’s “Trauma Pages”, focus primarily on emotional trauma and traumatic stress, including PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder), and dissociation. Providing information for clinicians and researchers in the traumatic-stress field.
Voices and Faces Project:
A non-profit storytelling initiative created to bring survivors of gender-based violence to the attention of the public, through personal testimony. Breaking through partisan barriers in a way that statistics alone cannot, and social action is what The Voices and Faces Project is all about.
Male Survivors Resources
(Websites / Books & Other Formats)
At least 1 in 6 men have been sexually abused or assaulted. The social stigma and silence around male sexual abuse and assault results in a lack of awareness and understanding about the effects of these experiences and common consequences, and what men need to overcome, heal, and move forward with their lives.
Offering hope, healing, and support. Learning to cope with and overcome the effects of trauma. Offering access to therapists, support groups and other resources.
Offering a wide range of resources for hope and inspiration, reaching more survivors as well as professionals, allies, and loved ones. Support groups that offer a voice for those who have been brutalized and silenced due to systemic and institutionalized racism.
Ruhl, L. (2018). (Audiobook & Kindle). Breaking the Ruhls: A Memoir. Las Vegas, NV. Central Recovery Press Publishing.
Larry Ruhl’s father sought comfort from his only son, smothering him not only with his affection, but his sexuality – blurring critical boundaries what would prove deeply debilitating, along with his mother’s spiraling, and ever-changing mental illness. This book covers boundary violations, and abuse within the family. It also covers Ruhl’s own experiences with sexual confusion, addiction and recovery, relationships, career struggles, and therapeutic breakthroughs, while also demonstrating it is possible to heal and thrive.
Victim Rights Law Center – Providing free, comprehensive legal services for sexual assault victims with civil legal issues in Massachusetts and Oregon.
Regarding Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy
Eagala: Creating Life-Changing Outcomes. Eagala is uniquely positioned to be on the front lines of mental health care. Eagala is the global leader for equine-assisted psychotherapy and personal development, with over 2,500 certified members and 500 credentialed programs across 40 countries. Be a part of a global community with an innovative approach to the delivery of mental and behavioral health care services that goes beyond traditional therapy models. Learn more at
(Equine Assisted Growth & Learning Association):
The Eagala Model incorporates a licensed Mental Health Professional and a qualified Equine Specialist collaborating with horses and clients as equal partners in an experiential process that empowers life-changing outcomes. A revolutionary mental health treatment model incorporating horses who are highly attuned and offer a safe space for clients to discover their answers within themselves. The global standard for psychotherapy & personal development incorporating horses. The Eagala Model is a collaborative approach that incorporates a licensed Mental Health Professional and a qualified Equine Specialist collaborating with horses and clients as equal partners in an experiential process that empowers life-changing outcomes.
Equine co-facilitated learning and psychotherapy –
Incorporating horses experientially for emotional growth and learning. Whether you are looking for individual sessions, couples sessions, or corporate team building, this is a collaborative effort between a licensed therapist and a horse professional working with the clients and horses to address treatment goals. All participants learn about themselves and others by participating in activities with the horses, and then processing, or discussing thoughts, perceptions, behaviors, and patterns.
Equine therapy with young children –
Watch as a horse makes a gentle connection with a 4-year-old child with Williams Syndrome.
Free Equine-cofacilitated psychotherapy is an efficient method to address various psychological issues, including symptoms of PTSD & MST. All work is done on the ground, so no prior experience with horses is required, or desired. Type Eagala in You Tube for video presentations and see for testimonials.
The Circle of Veterans:
The Circle of Veterans, Founded by Veterans – Run by Veterans and For Veterans. Helping Veterans transition and heal from alienation and isolation due to the trauma of war.
WTIS interview: Working with veterans & equine therapy:
Interview with Dr. Williams about Equusolutions and her work with military veterans and equine-assisted psychotherapy.
Workbooks / Journals
Aron, PhD., E. (1999). (Paperback). The Highly Sensitive Person’s Workbook. New York City, NY. Harmony Publisher.
Identify your specific sensitivities with self-assessment tests and reframe past experiences in a more positive light. Interpret dreams and relate them to your sensitivity and cope with overarousal through relaxation, breathing, and visualization techniques.
Boon, S. & Steele, K. (2011). (Unabridged – Audiobook). Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology). Old Saybrook, CT. Tantor Audio Publisher.
This training manual for patients who have a trauma-related dissociative disorder includes short educational pieces, homework sheets, and exercises.
Cameron, J. (2006 – original). (2021 – 25th Anniversary Edition). (Unabridged – Audiobook). The Artist’s Way Workbook. New York City, NY. Penguin Audio Publishing.
An indispensable book for anyone following the spiritual path to higher creativity laid out in The Artist’s Way. A seminal book on the subject of creativity.
Chapman, G. (2007). (Paperback). (Series of 11 Books): The 5 Love Languages Workbook: Small Group Study Edition. Nashville, TN. LifeWay Press Publisher.
This book helps you to identify your personal love language and helps you to understand the love language of your spouse. With many other books by this author, in this series.
Colm E., Designs (2019). (Paperback). Dissociative Identity Disorder Journal. Traverse City, MI. Independently Published.
Journal to manage DID, communicate between alters, create system rules, system maps, manage moods and track episodes, and more! -Suitable for those with DID which can be difficult to manage! This book is great for communicating between alters, tracking symptoms, creating system maps, journaling, and managing DID in a non-judgmental supportive way that can help you identify triggers, supplement your therapy, and general promote perspective as well as encouraging self-care.
Fisher, J. & et al (2021). (Unabridged – Audiobook). Transforming The Living Legacy of Trauma: A Workbook for Survivors and Therapists. Brattleboro, VT. Echo Point Books & Media, LLC Publisher.
Showing how the legacy of symptoms helped survivors survive and offers step-by-step strategies that can be used on their own or in collaboration with a therapist. Simple diagrams and worksheets to practice the skills that bring relief and rejuvenation.
Kagan, R. (2016). (Paperback & Kindle). (3rd Edition). Real Life Heroes: A Life Storybook for Children. New York, NY. Routledge Publisher.
The workbook is designed to be used with Rebuilding Attachments with Traumatized Children by Richard Kagan to help troubled children overcome traumas and develop self-esteem through a creative arts approach that fosters positive values and a sense of pride.
Okosi, Psy.D., M. (2022). (Paperback). The Complex PTSD Journal: A Guided Journal to Help You Heal, Grow, and Thrive. Berkeley, CA. Rockridge Press Publishing.
Journaling offers a safe space for you to explore your experiences with complex trauma and develop healthy coping skills you can carry with you through life. Offers four areas of healing, uplifting affirmations, and many ways to reflect.
Rosenbloom, D. & Williams, M. (2010). (Paperback & Kindle). Life After Trauma: A Workbook for Healing. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
This supportive workbook helps trauma survivors find and use crucial skills for coping, self-understanding, and self-care. Filled with comforting activities, relaxation techniques, self-evaluation questionnaires, and exercises.
Schielke, H. J. & et al (2022). The Finding Solid Ground Program Workbook: Overcoming Obstacles in Trauma Recovery. Oxford, England, United Kingdom. Oxford University Press.
Therapists will find that this program breaks recovery into practical and manageable steps that can be immediately implemented. Participation in the Finding Solid Ground program in the TOP DD Network study was linked with improved ability to manage emotions in healthy ways and reduced dissociation, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and self-injury.
Sunshaw, E. (2021). (Paperback). Me, Not-Me, and We: A Lived Experience Workbook for Phased Recovery from Complex and Relational Trauma with Dissociative Identity Response. Washington, District of Columbia. HWC Press, LLC Publishing.
Emma Sunshaw (pseudonym), the voice behind the System Speak Podcast about Dissociative Identity Disorder and the author of “if tears were prayers”, brings a lived experience workbook to the community of those recovering from complex and relational trauma with Dissociative Identity Response.
Vermilyea, E. G. (2000). (Paperback). (2nd Edition). Growing Beyond Survival: A Self-Help Toolkit for Managing Traumatic Stress. Derwood, MD. Sidran Press Publishing.
This is a practical, user-friendly guidebook with updated revision to provide trauma survivors with a toolbox of strategies to help them heal and recover. Developed with input from survivor advocates, this self-help toolkit is both comprehensive and flexible.
Van der Kolk, M.D., B. (2021). (Paperback). Workbook for The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. Traverse City, MI. Independently Published.
Giving us a practical roadmap for navigating through the impact of trauma in our lives. The tips and strategies shared by van der Kolk ground us in the fundamentals of holistic healing, whilst at the same time retaining the primary aim of processing and treating our trauma.
We refer clients to
In conclusion, a warm fuzzy for you!
Cat Stevens Song: (If you want to sing out)